Decision Making Representative Order

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Another Decision Making Representative Order application successfully completed before Judge O’Connor in Circuit Court 22. My client the niece of an elderly gentleman who did not have capacity to complete his Fair Deal application, had mounting utility bills and a vacant property. He was a single man with no children. We assisted his niece in having an independent Decision Making Representative appointed in order to regularize and organize his affairs. She was unable to organize any of her Uncles finances or utilities as the banks/utility companies would not speak with her in relation to her Uncles affairs for data protection and other issues. Judge O’Connor in the Circuit Court was excellent in his handling of matters and the necessary Court orders followed.

In circumstances where a person hasn’t signed an Enduring Power of Attorney, it can prove impossible for family members to deal with the individuals personal and financial affairs should they loose capacity. The new Assisted Decision Making Act 2015 offers families a way to resolve this problem through a Decision Making Representative Order. Should you or your family require any assistance in relation to a loved one who has capacity issues please contact AnnMarie Lynch of our offices.
