Injuries sustained at work can be quite serious depending on the nature of a person’s work. Construction workers, operators of heavy machinery and those working in dangerous environments are at a higher risk of suffering a serious injury. The majority of employers have insurance in place to allow those injured seek compensation.
We act for numerous clients who have suffered catastrophic injuries at work. We also represent family members of people fatally injured at work. Our case studies reflect some of the actions we have taken on behalf of our clients.
Case Study 1 – Accident on Construction Site
We represented a labourer that was involved in the construction of a shopping centre. He was foaming a joint while on ladder about thirty feet high in the air. Despite being footed, the ladder fell sideways causing our client to hit the ground and sustain catastrophic injuries. He suffered multiple fractures as well as psychiatric injuries. His employer had insurance and we issued proceedings High Court proceedings against them. The case settled on the day of the hearing and our client received substantial compensation together with his legal costs.
Case Study 2 – Vehicle collapsed casing Death
We acted for a widow whose husband was employed in a garage. He sustained fatal injuries when the vehicle he was working under collapsed on top of him. The crushing impact of the vehicle killed him instantly. We issued High Court proceedings against the garage seeking compensation for mental distress and future loss of earnings. The garage’s insurer settled the case by paying compensation to the deceased’s family as well as paying the legal costs.
Case Study 3 – Injured fixing a Heavy Goods Vehicle
We represented a worker who was employed as a mechanic to fix trucks that had broken down. One day he attended at a broken down truck to fix the hydraulic shaft. The truck driver inadvertently released the hydraulic shaft when our client was at the back of the truck. The steel shaft hit our client on the head first before falling onto his foot. Our client required stitches for a cut to his head as well as surgery for a broken foot. He was unable to return to this type of work as a result of his injuries. We issued proceedings against his employer who admitted liability and settled the case.