PODRUCJE DJELOVANJA Contentious and Non-Contentious Probate and Estate Disputes

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Estate disputes and contentious probate issues other than will claims (for more information on will claims click here) can involve any of the following:

  • Actions to remove executors
  • Applications to Court for directions regarding the administration of an estate
  • Applications by rival applicants to extract a grant
  • Actions to revoke or amend a grant
  • Application to prove a will in terms of a copy
  • Application for leave to presume death on information and belief for the purpose of extracting a grant
  • Application to admit a will to proof by presumption as to due execution
  • Applications for delivery up of assets held by executors/beneficiaries
  • Citations to accept or refuse probate
  • Applications to lodge and warn off caveats
  • Applications for an inventory and account
  • Bringing and defending claims by estates

We have experience in all manner of claims and threats against estates. We are happy to discuss any concerns relating to probate with you. Please contact us on 01 872 5255 or info@lawlorkiernan.ie.