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When you die, your Will dictates what happens to your property on your death and as such your Executor is duty bound to administer your estate in accordance with the terms of your Will. If you don’t have a Will, your estate which comprises of all your property, both real estate (property) and personal estate (bank accounts, personal effects etc.) will be distributed according to the rules of intestacy. The rules of intestacy are laid down in statute.

Here at Lawlor Kiernan, we have many years of experience in this field. Our team will guide any Executor or Administrator through the process in a sensitive, thorough, and efficient manner. All the deceased’s assets must be collected, a Grant of Probate/Administration obtained by way of application to the probate office, all taxes in relation to the deceased’s affairs and estate must be completed and submitted to Revenue with the necessary returns. Individuals should be aware that this can be a lengthy process even in the most straight forward of cases.

If you have suffered bereavement and require a firm to act on your behalf in any probate related matters, please contact AnnMarie at annmarie@lawlorkiernan.ie or call 01 8725255.